Even an undisputed First Secretary of the party would not have been guaranteed the centre-left presidential “nomination” in 2012. It is possible, despite her denials at the weekend, that Mme Royal will be tempted to play the martyr-messiah and create her own party. Either way, the real ...
Way stations meanwhile, were maintained all along this intricate system of travel infrastructure, to provide refreshments for weary travelers in need of a good break after a long day’s travel. Officials and couriers in service to the rich and powerful, often also had their own changing stations...
Normally I’d have driven back up with them but this time I thought to myself ‘no way, she had stood looking at me while I ran around before doing her a favour.’ I almost forgot, the day after she arrived I had started dinner. Left it on the hob and went off. Later came ba...
bad conditions, etc. Sure, it might not be the easy to take images with, but again: if you don't have a camera you will definitely not get the results. I have an old TS5 waterproof, and it's not even as good as my cellphone, but in really bad situations I...
A phone system is inherently insecure because of the way trust works, especially when not everyone knows everyone intimately (and intimacy really doesn’t scale beyond 2 or 3 people…, remember, we’re talking about 5,000 groups of people). ...
Dexinjiayuan residential complex, situated on the way to Xigong station, will open at the end of this year (2016). Young white-collar workers, for whom time is precious, should not let slip this golden opportunity to live here, and enjoy fast and easy commutes to work! The history of...
moreAnnoyingly, I had to do that on the way back, it was a Saturday so I had lots of football notifications that killed my battery. Had to turn internet off & put on low power mode. Last hour I turned the brightness down as I was on 20%. Did make me think if going there was ...
She believes that “Where is a will, there is a way.” So she is hard-working and academic.She has had a dream of being a student in Qinghua University since eight years old and every one believes that she will make it a reality. She is on the way now!
The month was filled with lots of doctors appointments, particularly at the end when Tiny decided to wait an extra 15 days before making her way out. Thankfully she was strong and healthy and came in her own timing, which was perfect! Our midwife painted Tiny’s position on my belly at...