Southern California by way of Kentucky #1 Share Posted August 18, 2022 What happens if you don't have access to a phone/email and don't know that you may have been chosen for random testing when arriving at YVR for a same day cruise and just go straight to the ship ?? Link ...
Obama, as the cliff deal came down to a decision between a tax increases on all filers or just the wealthiest Americans. Which way do you think public opinion would lean? The fact that the failure to renew the payroll tax holiday in the deal actually raised taxes on over 70% of ...
You don’t always need to say “Sorry” to express regret. “Forgive me” is a great way to apologize and ask the other party for their understanding and forgiveness. Even better, it works just as well in a group of friends as it does with a boss, colleague, professor, or in an...
I was fortunate to be be given the gift and choice of complete body awareness. A ballet dancer’s core is from where her strength and movement derive. So, I became ahead of the fitness game, even as a child – and way before most of the world was into it. I knew the feeling of ...
事情是这样的:德国最近禁止”裸做空”,作为一个自由市场的支持者,我想都没想就一直反对这个禁令,觉得德国病机乱投医。当然,到现在我也还是坚持我的看法,但多了一点思考。(注1) 我记得原来学保险学的时候,会区分赌博和保险,其中一点就是,你可以投保你自己家的房子着火——这是保险;但如果你去投保邻居家的房子着...
not who you appear to be this motivates 2:56 them to stay around you even if their 2:59 intentions are are not the best they 3:01 seek in every way to discover if you are 3:05 just playing a role as they do in their 3:08 daily lives but when they realize that 3:11 you are...
workers say they’ve witnessed or experienced workplace harassment or discri… Read More »Whistle-blowing THANK YOU TO ALL THE WHISTLEBLOWERS OUT THERE Tomorrow 23-June is World Whistleblower Day. Why do we need a day dedicated to whistleblowers? It’s our way of saying a big thank you...
and for now I am still picking up things and working my way to the top. Now I closely work with a gay, can confidently say that they are control freak, clean freak, and too talkative, dominant and too demanding as well. I don’t know how long I can stand or survive under his nag...
(set up from the proceeds of the sale of Gilmore House) observed how “Isabella represented the true Christian pioneer: deeply rooted in the truth and teaching of Christ but able to imagine, and envision and work passionately towards a reality, and way of being church, that was not then ...
Issue: I need to pursue, explore, gain a greater understanding of X, so I can do a better job of Y. Perspective: Wow! That’s a new angle, a whole new way to think about my problem or opportunity. Insight: I can now more keenly see the true nature of my situation, because…. ...