I’m afraid I can’t recommend any specialist book on Chinese mathematics despite the fact that Andrea Bréard, who is a leading expert on the topic and the author of Nine chapters on mathematical modernity: essays on the global historical entanglements of the science of numbers in China. (T...
Recall again the Lord’s words when on earth: “Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of man has no place to lay his head.” Here is the God of creation saying, “I am here, but I am homeless. Make me a home.” ~ Frank Viola inFrom Eternity to Here Question for...
Which was the sanitized way of saying, “Hollywood’s Conservative Redbaiters.” Founded in MGM executive James K. McGuinness’ Beverly Hills home—Gone with the Wind producer David O. Selznick would later describe McGuinness as “the biggest anti-Semite in Hollywood”—the Motion Picture Alliance...
Beware: I’m not an expert on happiness as you might have guessed from reading some other posts of mine. To be frank, I suck at happiness. So take all this stuff with a fat chunk of salt. I wrote all of this mostly for me anyway so that I can reread it regularly and whenever I...
As well, I am not saying huge to your personal debt (even after my team are an obligations-centered businessbut my hypocrisy is for another day). In any event, I suppose I’m concerned about a number of the issues of creating the job regarding a long-label build, generally the fresh ...
epidemiologist is NYC have been furloughed months ago an they defunded much of it. Money the federal government gave it went to the “hospitals.” A little bird told me about it from inside. So not exactly sure how they are coming up with the data when no subject matter expert is ...
I have mantras as an educator committed to active learning –“engagement first, learning will follow”. Recently, as I focus on learning as an outcome of reflection in, on, and through learning, I find myself saying “create space for reflection”, but perhaps I should add, “create spac...
The measure of success is what you think about what you’ve done. Let me put that another way: The way to be happy is to like yourself and the way to like yourself is to do only things that make you proud. There’s that old joke, not very funny, that goes, “No matter where ...
It was easy to see that our country was in danger the moment Ronald Reagan publicly mocked government by saying “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'” The objective of the Republican Party has been to destroy our...
the backfield. That you pass to build up an attack instead of just kicking it downfield. Even if it means you lose for a few years. That you need to take that hill the way he tells you to take that hill, and if you die today while trying, today isn’t the most important matter...