a However unexpected or even somewhat fears is secret of a mysterious organization rather than actually appears in this world than humans, vampires and werewolves another species-the so-called "Super werewolf" which no one can be violent and cruel enemies it will destroy everything, kill all ....
I really just put that last paragraph in there so I had a reason to post a photo of Dr. Evil. And use the term “death ray” in a sentence as it was next up in my “Word of the Day” program. See? I’m just full of self-help and bettering myself for 2016. Speaking of ran...
The reason for this popularity seems to lie in the way that state lotteries are perceived as serving a public good. Lotteries win broad public approval when they are marketed as helping children in need, for example, and they are particularly popular during times of economic stress when the pr...
As Forgan describes the potential of a moon around another moon he uses the term “moon-moon.” It’s a silly term to begin with, but Moon Moon also happens to be the hook of a meme that gained popularity back in 2013. The gag was the result of one of those terrible “What’s ...