The same goes for blogging. The blogging community, (I'm trying really hard not to use the term blogosphere, because I hate it) is built upon helping one another. The comments we willfully post on other blogs add to the conversation. When someone asks how we got that survey widget to ...
Years ago, I realized that my current choices weren’t leading me to the life I truly wanted. That moment of clarity sparked a journey of intentional decision-making, financial literacy, and long-term goal-setting. Since I was young, I’ve always been a […] ...
but proof of their existence remained as out of reach as they were. Some scientists dismissed efforts to find exoplanets as “stamp collecting,” a derogatory term within the community for hunting new, unreachable lights just to name them. (Even among astronomers...
So yesterday, instead of offering solace and comfort to the nation, Comrade Trump further inflamed passions. Instead of quietly grieving with those who are suffering, he turned the trip into what was essentially a campaign event. He mugged and smiled for the cameras, he attacked his detractors,...
We can take some solace in the observation that, despite the methods of measuring trends over time, clinical outcomes seem to have gone in the direction of progress for patients undergoing PCI. As new innovations in percutaneous management of coronary artery disease such as the expansion of ...
Yes, but not really in a Halloween-y way. This “decoration”—and I use that term loosely—isn’t about the old timey Halloween stuff. It’s just…show-off-y. Ah, and that is the crux of it. I’ve read lots of books about Halloween, its origins and progress to current rituals....
experts was the easiest way to get thru life. You could either “toe the line” and enjoy NIMBY (Not in My Backyard), or you could be forced into a cattle car (a cautionary tale right there) and sent to a gulag (gotta thank the Soviet Union for bringing that term into the lexicon...
particular Eclipse chart places a huge planetary emphasis on one area of the Zodiac – Taurus; however, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius are significantly highlighted by shielding against out-of-control dogmatism, confusions, and over-sensitivity about restrictions. Tiny details can overrun long-term goals...
There is a slice of SL photography that focuses on the solitary figure with dramatic lighting seemingly emphasizing some unspoken drama or angst happening within. If you’ve taken any art history courses you are probably familiar with the term chiaroscuro, which refers to how light and dark are...
At the heart of this institutional self-preservation lies the monetary system, for it is money that provides the means for power and survival. Therefore, just as a poor person might be forced to steal in order to survive, it is a natural inclination to do whatever is needed to continue an...