you want to make it easy for folks to buy guns. If you make it easy to buy guns, some crazy-ass bastard will buy one and use it to shoot folks shopping for tuna-fish. And every time some crazy-
I suppose for some, they might feel a bit less helpless by doing this. I suggest that while it may give some short term relief, it doesn’t last, and puts you on a treadmill. Perhaps some other meaningful task that makes the world better, even in the smallest way, would be more eff...
Wikidata actually has an item for the song “I’m Mandy Fly Me,”Q12317871, which links to the song’s ID on Discogs, Freebase, and MusicBrainz. So maybe just have aplay-music:Q12317871intent and make streaming services look this up when the user’s browser starts it and hands it thi...
This city of 150,000 people has been abandoned to the short-term rental craze, at least within the historic district. Words cannot express how charming and gorgeous it all is, with the twenty-one squares and the parks and the old homes. Just outside the District, however, surroundings ...
Hello, I have created a workbook with two sheets - the first ("Report") where an Excel report is downloaded from a software and pasted into the sheet...
What percentage of long term relationships do you think are overall happy, with the people in them actively wanting to be together and feeling like being a couple makes both their lives better, rather than just going through the motions (or even hating each other but being too chickenshit to...
Lets go back then. Late in his second term, Bill Clinton was impeached for an improper relationship with an intern. I think the outrage went across the isle on this situation and he was rightly tried. Now, we have a president elect who, by a court of law, by a jury of his peers ...
It often ends up for the better, as the rules of karmic retribution seem to be at work here. If you apply a moral compass to your budo training instead of leaving it at the door, chances are it will serve you well in the long term. Uncategorized18 Comments 108. Breaking Traditions ...
They refuse to believe that anyone on God’s green earth, (because, invariably, God plays a huge role in their reasoning) would feel like a boy on the inside when they don’t have a wang-dang-doodle, (the scientific term for penis), between their legs. “How can they feel like a ...
‘Compassionate exemption’ was the term used to describe it on the government press release. An entire country with five million souls free of Covid-19 and totally out of lockdown and we decide that the ‘needs’ of two people outweigh the possible consequences of spreading a highly ...