another term of Yr A new term started yesterday, which means at the same time, a term has ended. Thought shall write down the events happening for these last few years of student life. Maybe several years after, I shall be recording them and missing the life now.I am waiting for Shi...
term to be exercised [...] [...] 本地區進行生產、經銷及銷售若干核准產品,代價為 Renown 向 YGM Mart 支付 按新特許權協議條款計算之年度專利權費,初步年期由完成日期至二零一九年十 二月三十一日,為期約十年,Renown 可於二零一七年十二月三十一日前選擇於 原有年期結束後...
aAfter they settle in, begin feeding them. (FRM Worm and Cricket Food is great for short term holding or for fattening.) See "How to Raise Your Own - Worm Farm Tips". To really get your your worms off to a good start, consider adding VermaPlex® to your feeding regime.[translate...
aIt also puts the budget on track to beat the May budget forecast of a deficit of $44.4 billion for the full financial year. 它在轨道上也把预算放摔打缺乏的5月预算展望$44.4十亿整财政年度。[translate] a逞強 逞強[translate] athat Natalie ascribed another meaning to a multiplication term not ...
Moreover, the same term may have different meanings in different countries or locations, e.g. a “reserve” in one country may prohibit fishing, while a “reserve” in another country may allow certain forms of non-destructive fishing. 此外,同样的术 语可能在不同 国家或地方含义不...
3).我告诉他我已经通过了期末的所有考试 He told me that he had passed all the end-term examinations. 4).我父亲经常告诉我知识就是力量 My father often tells me that knowledge is power. 5).她父母无法说服她,让她自己相信她的决定错了。 Her parents couldn’t convince her that her ...
The term “ratification” describes the act of making something officially valid by signing it or otherwise giving it formal consent. For example, ratification occurswhen parties sign a contract. The signing of the contract makes it official, and it can then be enforced by law, should the need...
In the long term, it is simply not sustainable to let system 2 be a ruthless dictator who never allows oneself to be lazy or to enjoy simple things. It is actually quite counter-productive because your system 1 will try to sabotage your system 2 if you are not giving it what it wants...
Hi,This is the context: ChildCompany has O365 and it has an Azure AD in hybrid mode synchronizing to a on-prem AD server. They have an internal domain...
Wisdom looked at the water happily and then up at the monk, “To make the water clean, __【10】__you need to do is just to let it be and the mud would settle down on its own.” It is also the same with your mind. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little ...