A slot can also be a term used in casino gambling to describe the number of coins or tokens that are currently available for play on a machine. The number of available slots is typically displayed on a screen along with the payout percentage and other information about the machine. Some ma...
“term” : { “user”: “kimchy” } }}’#query DSL方式查询$ curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/test-index/_search?pretty=true -d ‘{ “query” : { “range” : { “post_date” : { “from” : “2009-11-15T13:00:00”, “to” : “2009-11-15T14:30:00” } } }}’#查找...
using jira jql [recommended]jira jql "summary ~ SEARCH_TERM OR description ~ SEARCH_TERM" how to use username alias/nicknames with cmd-jira find users username save the username alias/nickname in user_alias block of ~/.jira/config.json . ...
However, too much or long-term stress gives people a stress overload . People with stress overloads may have problems remembering or concentrating on things. They are quick to get angry or 6 patience. They may 7 have other problems, such as sleeping problems, headaches and often getting col...
Please look for my answers below: 1 Is this a good summary or did I misunderstand something? Yes #2 In term of process what happen/should happen between the end of a month and the beginning of the next month (cf. where the employees will manually add the hour...
was discouraging, however, and heart-wrenching to listen to the families’ stories: the regressions, the day-to-day challenges, the shortened life expectancy, and the long-term implications for Lucy and others like Lucy. It was an exhausting, emotional day, followed by a teary, sleepless, ...
While this points to acts of sustainability, transgressive learning is a term, for me, that has wider value, although I recognise its importance to the discourse on sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development. It works in a broader sense for the following reasons: ...
The TS and TR mice had been examined for tolerance induction by gavage with different antigens, unrelated to OVA, calculating their humoral response after immunization using the particular antigen. The impact of and genes for the percentage of Compact disc4+ Compact disc25+ and Compact disc4+ ...
This term derives from the butt, or cask, that held drinking water on sailing ships; it was scuttled, or provided with a hole in the top, so that water could be drawn. In the same way that office workers gather around a water cooler to share gossip, thescuttlebuttwas the locale of ...
aThe reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that young adult whopasses directly from school to university is rather restricted interm of general konwledge and experience of the world. 这个趋向的原因也许介入公认年轻成人whopasses直接地从学校到大学是相当世界的一般konwledge和经验有限的interm...