In this method we will search for search term lorem*. Asterisk means that we want to get all documents that start with search term lorem. Search results are retrieved as TopDocs object that contains scoreDocs collection. Each scoreDoc contains information about specific document returned by search...
A new study in mice shows that popular weight loss drugs can lower inflammation. What might this mean for the treatment of other diseases and neurodegenerative conditions?
Long Short-term Memory (LSTM): The most commonly used type of Recurrent Neural Networks for long sequences. Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) : A extension to LSTM which showed improvements (paper). Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCN): 1D convolution approach to sequence data. By using dilated convo...
then broadens its focus to be all about generational trauma, unresolved family dysfunction, and the long term damage from the Vietnam War on the Viet refugee community in the U.S.
“Water-kami,” a general term for tutelaries of water, found in a variety of forms. Water is of crucial importance in agriculture, and the availability and quality of water can spell life or death to farmers; as a result, tutelaries of water naturally came to be associated with rice-fi...
aAs a whole, it has the character of a superorganism and is usually conceived of as a real unit. At the opposite end of the debate was the reductionist-individualist approach (e.g. Gleason 1917, 1926; Gams 1918; Ramensky 1926), which held that the term “association” relates to tempora...
The first trivially produces a pair of half sized DFTs, which we will term Ek and Ok, owing to one running over the even indexes, the other over the odd ones: . As for the case k ≥ M, we may as well write it out as k = M + k’. And if we plug this value into the ...
Fortunately, light sources such as daylight and tungsten bulbs closely mimic the distribution of light created by blackbodies, although others such as fluorescent and most commercial lighting depart from blackbodies significantly. Since photographers never use the term color temperature to refer to a tr...
The derived DNA sequence is definitely identical to the reported ClyA gene sequences (Accession quantity: “type”:”entrez-nucleotide”,”attrs”:”text”:”AF240780″,”term_id”:”18026878″,”term_text”:”AF240780″AF240780). In comparison, the ClyA gene from Lecirelin (Dalmarelin) ...
Past tense for to restate a confirmation or affirmation “I want toreaffirmin the strongest terms my long-term pessimism on stocks.” Verb ▲ Past tense for to state with assurance that a report or fact is true Verb ▲ Past tense for to repeat what was previously said or expressed ...