Starting from the first term on the right-hand side of Equation (4), it reflects the state of PPP existing for cross-country tradables, thus subsiding the effects of relative prices of tradables on the real exchange rate of the catching-up country. The term therefore assumes a value of ...
Hi, I found this thread and have a similar problem. I was wondering if you might be able to take a look and see if you can spot the solution? We use Excel to manage logs from many agricultural trials. There is a central 'live' table where live data for all trials gets s...
Notes of caution:ABG is experiencing net interest margins that are higher than it expected over the longer term, as the repricing of deposits generally has a delay of up to 12 months as time deposits reach maturity. Also, the group is yet to see the full impact of the inflationary pressur...
Specify the load—This involves determining what services the site’s clients require and the level of demand for those services. The most common metrics for specifying load are the number of clients, client think time (the delay between when a client receives one reply and when it submits th...
Italexit is a term used to describe the possible exit of Italy, the EU’s third largest economy, from the EU. There is an obvious parallel between Italexit and the impending exit of the UK, the so-called Brexit, but of course Italy’s exit would be somewhat different from the UK’s...
3042 Accesses Metrics details Abstract This article examines Arthur Waley’s abridged translation of “Journey to the West”, titled “Monkey”, and its influence on magic wind narrativity using narrative theory and (re)framing concepts. The research categorises the narrative significance of the ...
How alarmed we should be about near term changes depends in large part on our concern about the developing world, or (more selfishly) about how problems elsewhere may affect us indirectly, through a flood of environmental refugees. These are the chief messages of An Inconvenient Truth, and ...
7924 Accesses 11 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The breakdown of antibiotics by β-lactamases may be cooperative, since resistant cells can detoxify their environment and facilitate the growth of susceptible neighbours. However, previous studies of this phenomenon have used artificial bacterial vectors ...
Hi all, I have never made a macro befor and i need some help. I need a macro Which is triggered by putting a name in the drop-down menu...