and its tone is gentle and sing-song like ( heard the term 潮州姑娘?). We tend to be fairer skinned, and our food palate is simple and plain. I grew up having porridge for breakfast every morning and steamed fish for dinner. Porridge with preserved...
Thus the fisherman left and did not return, no longer caring for anymore conversation. Cannot be translated as “father”. It is a common honorific term of address to an elderly man. Also known as “Songs/Verses of the South” See http://en.wikipedi...
Britishness, however, is a malleable and elastic term.Many have tried to pin it down; most have failed. Perhaps because Britishness is paradoxical and contradictory, composed of opposites, attracting one another and coexisting. The pomp and circumstance of royalty, of history re-enacted, sits a...
prey for things like killer whales,” said Davis. “That’s one concern we’ve heard from a number of groups. My response to that is that our first job in managing the resource is to make sure we’re managing it in a fashion that’s sustainable and conserves the resource long...
Time for some diverting diversions: The NYC Honorary Street Names Map…Let GrowNYC know what you’re thinking…Perk up your fall bird watching courtesy of Cornell Ornithology…Dag Hammerskjold Parks takes on long-termscaffolding plague…When/if rats come to live in your car…Autumn leaf wisdom ...
During their last term, he and Matthew would sit in their study at St. Paul’s for hours, never speaking unless Matthew had some rnathernatical problem he was quite unable to solve- When the long awaited examinations finally came, they lasted for only one brutal week. The moment they wer...
but overall it was overcast and stormy most of the time. I tried to get some birds in flight not doing the usual — flying. I got one eating a little fish that a fisherman threw to him. He had to wait for the tail to quit flailing before he swallowed it, and a gull that landed...
Such language is now being exported overseas with some success. I have long drawn hope regarding the limits of Chinese nationalism from some of my migrant friends from lower class backgrounds, like the former fisherman from Fujian who has lived in Hungary, Morocco and Romania for twenty years an...
The fisherman who provided the scraps informed a group of us that he had named Antonio after himself. And one kid was like “but that’s not his name, that’syourname!” And Fisherman Antonio was all indignant and said “I feed him for 40 years! His name is Antonio!” ...