Edge Therapeutics Small Molecules, Drug Delivery eFFECTOR Therapeutics Small Molecules Emerald Therapeutics Therapies for viral infections; “Stealth Mode” right now EMP Dong-A Pharmaceutical Small Molecules Entegrion Plasma & Platelet Technologies EpimedX Small Molecules Essentialis Therapeutics Small Molecule...
In the long term, it is simply not sustainable to let system 2 be a ruthless dictator who never allows oneself to be lazy or to enjoy simple things. It is actually quite counter-productive because your system 1 will try to sabotage your system 2 if you are not giving it what it wants...
Basically, you need to PLAN AHEAD. Plan to GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK before you are drowned in turkey and stuffing. A break from cooking, a break from washing dishes, a break from poultry, a chance to clean out the fridge in anticipation of what is coming. If that means sandwiches and fast...
There are over the counter and prescriptions you can take for more immediate results, and for the very short term may be necessary. However In a STats Canada survey in 2010 it showed that taking medications to treat insomnia and anxiety long term increases your mortality risk by 36%. ...
There is still much to learn about this drug, particularly whether it has unique characteristics in comparison to existing antidepressants. At present, vortioxetine can be considered as an antidepressant option in patients with established major depressive disorder who have not responded adequately to ...
However, I could not find any substantial evidence, not even individual anecdotes, that Parnate has detrimental long-term effects on one’s cardiovascular health (of course, aside from hypertensive crisises due to consuming tyramine which is completely preventable.) Hope that gives you some useful...
I, however, was long baffled by the concept of sobriety and couldn’t comprehend a month without alcohol, let alone a lifetime. I desperately wanted to go a few weeks without it. To prove I could. To prove I wasn’t an alcoholic (or, to use the clinical term, someone with a Substa...
Hari fails to make the distinction throughout his article, referring only to “antidepressants”, the umbrella term for a diverse range of drugs which act in different ways on the body’s neurochemistry, and which are well-known to affect different people differently. There is no effort whatsoev...
“Open Science: One Term, Five Schools of Thought” in whichBenedikt Fecherand editorSascha Friesikeexplain the many meanings which have been given to the term Open Science. This is followed byMathias Binswanger’s“Excellence by Nonsense: The Competition for Publications in Modern Science” in ...
Drugs for centralpain: You might have burning or aching in your body after a stroke. Your doctor may suggestamitriptyline, an antidepressant, orlamotrigine, an anti-seizuredrug. Osteoporosissupplements: You often lose lean muscle andbone densityafter a stroke. That makes you more likely to get ...