–Does Google treat .gov.pl links with the same weight as regular .gov links? And I have to say, I’m kinda tired of talking to a video camera. So I’ll probably take a break from videos for at least a few days. I am a website marketer, my friends all think I’m cool. One...
Our findings offer evidence for individual addressing of conspecifics in elephants. They further suggest that, unlike other non-human animals, elephants probably do not rely on imitation of the receiver’s calls to address one another. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your ...
Speaker Mike Johnson is asking his House GOP conference to back him for a second term, even before the House majority has been officially called. Johnson, leaning on a football metaphor, says he is “ready to take the field with all of you" in a Dear Colleague l...
Partisan battles would rage for the first nine months of Mr. Bush’s first term, only to come to a halt on the horrible day now infamously known as 9/11. In the worst attack on United States’ soil since Pearl Harbor, over three thousand Americans were killed by Islamist extremists ...
The Gospel is addressing injustice. Somehow, we know and believe in morality. Somehow, we think certain things are wrong, and others are right. Somehow, we believe in love. We believe in joy. We get these values somewhere. The Bible teaches that we get these values from God (Romans 1:...
When you call the divine “Father” or “Lord”, you miss something – sometimes I want to use the term “Mother”. To say that God is limited to only one gender representation in the world is idolatry. In addition, if God is a man, then I am the “woman” who remains as ...
Trying to cut carbon emissions drastically in the short-term would be particularly damaging, because it would not be possible for industry and consumers to replace carbon-burning fossil fuels with cheap, green energy. Renewable energy alternatives are simply far from ready to take over. Consider th...
This is not to say that I think universities should all be privatised and turned into for-profit organisations so they can be subjected to Darwinian competitive pressures; far from it. To me, education is a public good and represents an unbelievably valuable long-term investment to society. How...
The real issue? For others, The beliefs of Evangelical who promote the “faith in the cause of usefulness” model will tend to be circular, and will create countless contexts for 1)alienationof those within the church who question–let alone criticize–this model or who advocate “faith in ...
I saw someone’s status post on Facebook about integrity. A little later, my former pastor and employer, Bishop Keith Butler’s daily internet devotions began addressing “integrity.” I believe that it is time for me to follow this inward witness and address the topic here on this blog. ...