Self inspect now allows for Driver Station and Robot Controller compatibility between point releases. Fixes bug where if the same RumbleEffect object instance was queued for multiple gamepads, it could happen that both rumble commands would be sent to just one gamepad. Fixes bug in Driver Station...
a. Have a button on your website to log into the vendor and have some code that that processes the request Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Response.Redirect("") End...
Note: I did not make all of this up myself. Lots of people did, I’m just writing it down for you. Thanks: Jonatan, Steven, Peter, and Linus. Script tag <script src=""></script> While being the stand-alone, cross-browser, and the shortest piece ...
A question I routinely ask myself when contemplating my online-driven friendship with him: Are we emotionally stunted? Perhaps. Yet writing like we do, freely and (in no small sense) selfishly, is therapeutic. In emails, he becomes my de facto therapist; he becomes the journal I don’t ...
Finding slivers of hope in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s devastating reelection is essential for mental health and survival. However, a hit from the seductive “hope pipe” can increase what I call “hopeamine”, a self-induced euphoric state that dulls the senses at a time when a person...
self registration failed when adding dll file Self-Registration for an OCX failed send a byte through serial port Send and Receive Data Through Sockets Send Ctrl-C To Process Send email from VB.Net without SMTP Gateway Send keys to command prompt send listbox selected item to textbox Sending ...
I just don’t find myself happy on small factor keyboards. I will leave the rest for some other time depending how things happen. Manipur Before I start sharing about Manipur, I should thank Praveen A. few years back, Praveen wanted to see the 7 sisters and in fact had even proposed...
Self-doubt plagues the young lord of the Golden Warriors as he struggles to come to terms with not only his past, but his destiny. Far to the southeast, former High Counselor Sylin Marth has gone in search of the legendary wizard Elxander. His hopes that the wizard will return to help...
Hello, I've been searching to see if this is possible but it appears with the modern experience, you can only copy a site page to the same Site Pages library...