Here’s another reason why the marketing funnel is a stupid metaphor – you can only enter a funnel from the top, but marketers insist on providing strategies for snaring potential clients who are at the top of the funnel (TOFU), the middle of the funnel (MOFU), or the bottom of the ...
When I first heard this, I was in a place of questioning many things about the organized church system, and this song became a sort of anthem in my head. I pointed, aimed, and shot these lyrics directly at the church system, and I felt validated. But over time, as I listened to th...
Some of you are not going to like this. The reason the government schools are so messed up is that they have no basis either biblically or in any of our Founding documents. The idea of state education goes back to Plato and is a policy plank of the Communist Manifesto. It cannot be m...
Our culture tends to worship youthful adulthood. Young, unlined faces are the heart of media and entertainment. The strength of youth in sport is admired and desired by every age. At the same time the declining days of “senior-dom” engage fear in us for its appearance and for its loss...
For some reason, Jason just attracted musically talented people, before even talking to them! So, for the first time ever, I was on the worship team. I couldn’t believe it. I never thought I’d be on one. Never felt “good” enough, or that I could keep the nerve. But after tha...
now it seems less so to me. That said, I did love seeing the world of long-haul truckers and appreciated the small details, like the fact that every truck stop now serves Indian food and that there are homespun gurdwaras along the highway to allow the Sikh drivers to worship as needed...
In fact, for much of the album King Crimson worship is in full effect, but when that worship extends to repeating experiments which didn't work and in retrospect were clearly mistakes when the Crims tried them, that's a mimicry too far in my book. Despite not quite sounding like Crimson...
He will forever be our sun worshipping, water loving, pool toy fetching boy. Compared to the others, he was definitely our outdoor dog. He loved walks in the woods, beach trips and most of all riding with his head out of the window. While we miss all the pugs, losing Henry was ...
We don’t have any problem, all these shouting we do on social media, in our places of work, in worship centres, inside commercial buses, at the market was a lie. We deserve Govs like Nyako, Babangida Aliyu, we deserve Diezanni, Madam Aviation, Bode George, Alam. Nigeria, we ...
Though ELO technically began as an offshoot of the Move, Jeff Lynne's prior band with Roy Wood and Bev Bevan, its core symphonic style began with Birmingham quartet the Idle Race. Lynne's late-era Beatles worship was already in full bloom on 'The Birthday Party,' a gently whimsical psych...