but to face the stress and spur of difficulty and challenge; to learn to stand up in the storm, but to have compassion on those who fall; to master yourself before you seek to master others; to have a
There was a statement made a few years ago that you can’t be healthy if you’re fat (sorry: I have no clue as to who coined this phrase – suggestions welcome). And looking purely at statistical records (observations – not interpretations or Wild ___ Guesses (WAGs) the number of ca...
A local axiom says a cripple does not block the road with his legs, literally meaning that a person with a handicap should not challenge those who are not handicapped, but in Nigeria, a few thousands challenge plenty millions, because it never adds up, the maladministration, unfocused governan...
Therefore encourage one another with these words.” Believers back in the Bible days would greet each other with the encouraging phrase, “Maranatha,” which means Jesus is Coming! Do you know that one day very soon Jesus will show up in the sky and “catch up” all those both dead and ...
The phrase read: “the First Amendment was intended to erect ‘a wall of separation between church and State’…that must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach.” Second was the 1962 case of Engel v. Vitale where the Court ruled that no official state ...
3. The Best-case Scenario: I phrase this timidly as the current state of the Republican Party and its bargaining position is still a bad one. Undercut in the “fiscal cliff” deal by minority leader Senator McConnell, Vice-President Biden and the Senate Democrats, Speaker Boehner had no rea...
Lastly, as you reflect on summer’s energies and invitations, you may wish to set an intention for the season, which may be one word or phrase that can guide you over the next few months. Intentions that were voiced included rest, savor, balance, and play. Intentions help us focus on ...
admit I thought she meant that we were supposed to put her up on a pedestal, bring her flowers and candy every day. Maybe we should have. She never explained herself. She would have a look that my young eyes could not discern and later with repetition of the phrase, I came to ignore...
When you do that poet thing, stuff like that just happens without you meaning to. I admit, it’s a fun perk (not that it gets noticed), but who could be satisfied with rhyming chase and phrase? No, the bar for felicity, let alone excellence, is infinitely higher than what combinations...
The early press release was couched in wordy bureaucratese to make it sound as though everything was under control, but things were clearly were not. Ever hear the phrase that an elephant is a mouse built to government specifications? Well that press release was the government version of someb...