for example which is to say as it were meaning as in in the sense of Adverb ▲ In simple words or terms simply put basically put simply in layman's terms in simple terms in simple words to put it simply specifically Prepositional phrase ▲ (conjunctive) To give an example for example...
If any of the information above is INCORRECT your word or phrase may be in use by another event visitor. 如果上述信息不正确,您的短语或是您的短语可能正在被另一个会展来宾所使用。 8. Another event that I attended this week that had a remarkably high quality of participa...
A murky combination of sleet, freezing rain, and rain. Very little snow is expected when I use this phrase. Ice accumulations are possible. Noreaster (NOAA-NESDIS / Canva) Nor'easter A murky combination of sleet, freezing rain, and rain. Very little snow is expected when I use this phra...
Simon Peter responded for all of them. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know that you are the Holy One of God.” 6:67-69. That phrase is the entire content of this Gospel. “These things are written that ...
3. The Best-case Scenario: I phrase this timidly as the current state of the Republican Party and its bargaining position is still a bad one. Undercut in the “fiscal cliff” deal by minority leader Senator McConnell, Vice-President Biden and the Senate Democrats, Speaker Boehner had no rea...
Something about this design just feels very put together (the dreaded phrase) to me, which I love, there is a polish but also a little bit of sexiness, what do you think? I also love a blousy kimono sleeve. The tie is subtle, which is nice, I don’t know, as I said, when ...
steghide –extract –passphrase IceIceBaby! -sf off.jpg then look at txt file it generated zone-2-6D46A633-25D7-42C8-AF94-8E786142A3E3 I paste that into my browser and collect the flag: <!– The flag for this level is b8231c2bac801b54f732cfbdcd7e47b7 –> ...
11. His Majesty Sir Theo of Agnew’s usage of the vile phrase ‘cunning ways’ in reference to the Machiavellian machinations of Dame Rachel. (For sauce, see the Guardian article in no.1.) (Apologies, I meant source. Of course.) ...
A Bit Of History…Origami origin is unclear. Some historians claim the origin of origami began as a Japanese tradition of folding important documents/certificates. “Origami Tsuki” means “certified or “guaranteed”. The phrase stems from their ancient custom of folding certain special documents –...
When someone wins a lottery or slots game, they can be awarded the jackpot.“Jack-pot” is a phrase that means a big prize in gambling, and in poker and card-playing games, it also means “extra large.” A jack-pot can also be slang for trouble, so you should be careful when usi...