Pleading Guilty to Being a Party Pooper, ROBERT HARDMAN Says That as We Teeter on the Edge of a Slump, the Ever-Soaring Co... EVERY day, the organisers of the 2012 Olympics must thank their lucky stars for unending global economic disaster. 'Pheweee,' they mutter as another basket......
When somebody’s behavior puts you in a tizzy, ask yourself what it has to do with you. If someone is actively harming you, then by all means stick up for yourself and do what you can to avoid people like that. But remember: If you’re constantly getting in a huff about other peopl...
EVERY day, the organisers of the 2012 Olympics must thank their lucky stars for unending global economic disaster. 'Pheweee,' they mutter as another basketcase economy in the Eurozone demands another trillion on pain of implosion.Daily Mail (London)...
If you geighgle search dust in the wind the first result is their music video on jewtube, so you see even the nihilistic phrase “dust in the wind” is synonymous with this song. They’re fabricated in the sense that the members, the lead singer of which is a yellow potato mexican,...
So in a short and sweet phrase, the $750k house isn’t returning to $ 350k, so $750k house is not ultra rich it is keeping with the times, everything is higher. Please don’t start with the wages aren’t higher, they are, it is that Americans never saved now they can’t ...