I keep returning to the phrase Community of Enhancement to describe my philosophy behind my staff development role. It is not astounding but, significantly for me, it is a better than Community of Practice. It reflects and models the ethos of student-centred active learning which is so often ...
On the heels of my post from last week aboutmaking new milestones, the phrase that keeps coming to me is, “Let go of the way you think things are supposed to be and embrace what is.” That’s a big one for me because I have a lot of “supposed tos.” Everything from I’m su...
, compare section Phrase replacement in the plain text. Option --equation-punctuation display enables some additional interpunction checking for displayed equations in English texts, see section Example application and this example. Option --single-letters ... activates search for isolated single ...
The legal profession is concerned over the use of the phrase "meritorious case" which appears to be yet another form of the merits test. legco.gov.hk 法律界㆟士關注到條文內使用「有良好的成功機會」字句,因其看似用以決定是 否值得就案件提供法律援助的另㆒ 種形式的 審查。 legco.gov.hk ...
After referring to existing literature, six main keywords were chosen for the searching process, namely COVID-19, coronavirus, temperature, humidity, solar radiation and population density. The current study also utilised the boolean operators (OR, AND, AND NOT) and phrase searching. Scopus was ...
Ellis coined the phrasestinking thinkingto describe the human tendency to engage in stupid and counterproductive forms of cognition. Examples ofstinking thinkinginclude: Over-generalizing Mind reading Exaggerating Catastrophizing Jumping to conclusions
Baker (2019, p.122) defines labeling as “any discursive process that involves using a lexical item, term or phrase to identify a person, place, group, event or any other key element in a narrative.” Labeling magic wind provides an interpretive framework for Journey that normalizes the vaga...
Imitation is to learning theory as \rule{1in}{.2mm} is to psycholinguistic theory. A. babbling B. holophrase C. sensitive period D. language acquisition device The term "latent content" is most closely associated with the ___ theory ...
For example,不入虎穴, 安得虎子, If not entering a tiger’s lair, how can it be to get its cub? Another translation is, “… whence its cub can be gotten?”. Functions the same as焉. In modern usage, 衛生 it is a noun phrase meaning “hygiene”, “hygienic” or “sanitation”. ...
2ndperson, present tense pronouns proving the writer is personally addressing the reader in present time. Please note “great and marvelous” doesn’t necessarily mean good things. Compare Mormon 8:7 where Moroni uses this exact same phrase to describe “the destruction of [his] people the ...