《雲謠集》的寫作,結集以及敦煌本的抄寫時期,我在拙文“A Hypothesis regarding the gender of the creators of the song lyrics in the Yunyao ji,” 已經提出,在此僅重複抄寫的時期,因為它最晚,而且最可以確定。《雲謠集》敦煌的寫本的抄寫時間,最晚不能晚於公元922年。 因為《雲謠集》裡的詞牌早在唐玄...
We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way, begin no day where we have ended another day; and no sunrise finds us where sunset left us. — Kahlil Gibran 88 The idea of seeing the sea - of being near it - watching its changes by sunrise, sunset, moonlight, and noonday - in calm...
Work, and grace under pressure as remarkable as Allardyce's, is a rare diamond and he should know that nothing speaks so eloquently on behalf of a football manager than the honesty of his team.In the Arctic cold of Reebok that of the Wanderers glowed with a wonderful warmth - and was ...
分享19赞 虹殿吧 璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_00Qet4M馃惥 coined wordMELODRAMA (a coined word from Gr. µEXos, See also: MUSIC music, and See also: SPA Spaµa, See also: ACTION action) , the name of several See also: SPECIES species of dramatic See also: COMPOSITION COMPOSITION (Lat. compositio...