through the teaching of Jiu-Jitsu as supportive therapy to medical treatment. This included people with physical and mental abnormalities, motor paralysis of children affected by polio victims. In this area, Fadda had worked miracles among the many students of which he taught, including “Torpedo”...
So I was a little nervous that they may try and throw up a hail Mary to help save themselves by tossing my name around in conversations with law enforcement officials. The only solace I had was that I knew neither of them had any proof or credibility for that matter. But even still, ...
Writing a few emails was also good therapy for my fingers and I had a link to the outside world (I don’t have a smartphone, gave up using one in 2019). The hospital physiotherapists had given me hand and leg exercises to do and I spent a lot of time using the ward rotunda as ...
I could talk with him about anything, all the sad things, all the scary things, all the hard things, all the things that you worry about when you’re a kid or a preteen or a teen. He was always there for me, nurturing, insightful, nonjudgmental, supportive. ...
I used to say no, that’s justpopular psychology. I saw a therapist in early high school, but that didn’t really help me. I’m not really sure why I met with her. During my time in Isreal, I met with a therapist for a while, Haiah was her name. In the beginning, I made ...
Maksim Mamonkin, assistant professor of pathology & immunology and member of the Center for Cell and Gene Therapy at Baylor. Although this treatment can effectively eliminate tumors, the ‘training’ of the T cells is complex and expensive. “Sometimes, the trained T cells are not highly potent...
Now, before anyone starts throwing their sombreros or Stetsons in the air, let’s explore the why, the how, and the “what’s in it for us” of this idea. A Name That Sticks (and Means Something) Names carry weight, and not just the kind you toss around in a family feud. The ...
Lily came towards him and patted his arm. “I’m so sorry, Walter. Loss is hard. Grief is complicated. But you’re here now and maybe it’ll make you feel a bit better. I’m really glad you are joining us today. If nothing else, art seems to be good therapy for a lot of peo...
Nonetheless, some of the Jewish prayers and liturgical texts presented in the following section evoke the masculinity of God as an agent of redemption, caring, and compassion, while in others, God’s name and masculine attributes were not included at all. In this context, Weiman-Kelman suggests...