How do you know his name? GURU BAMBA I’m intuitive, they say. Come, join me here and we’ll ask the magic board for some answers. GAGA Because there’s nothing more important than being famous. She leads her over to the table with a board on it. GAGA A Ouija board… I haven’...
To date, I’m at 20 weeks into my pregnancy and nesting mode has begun. I’m beginning to list things that we need for K.C.#2 (You guessed it! She will share the same initials as Keia Chan. Read on further and her name will be revealed!) Since our graduation from being first ...
We spend the evening with her cousin’s family including gregarious four-year-old twin boys and their three-month-old chow puppy. We bathe the dust from our long journey here and by 10:30pm, the house is quiet but sleep evades me. Too excited by the possibilities of creating significant ...
ARKEN (new product name, from the Greek word, “archon,” or “The Director”) – customizable cybersecurity product which includes real-time intuitive AI Incident Response Protocols, daily network traffic report management, customizable internal/external firewall maintenance, and filtering/geofencing of...