Package name `l10n_mapper_annotation` is too similar to another active package: `l10n_mapper_annotation` ( This seems to be an issue as republication (running flutter pub publish) should update the said packages with the new specified version-...
aIf a member in one package shares its name with a member in another package and both packages are imported, you must refer to each member by its qualified name. For example, the graphics package defined a class named Rectangle. The java.awt package also contains a Rectangle class. If both...
The package name 'crud-default' at location package is already been used by another package at location package.包名的默认位置 增删改查包已经在另一个位置的包装用包装。
Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit History 356 Commits .github assets src .eslintignore .eslintrc.yml .gitignore Dockerfile babel.config.js package.json prettier.config.js server.js tsconfig.json ...
You are trying to add a built output file to a folder in your Web project and a built output file with the same name from another project or the same project already exists in the folder. Built outputs come from other applications such as Microsoft®Visual J++™, and can be added to...
Transferring a package from a user account to another user account on the website To transfer a package you own or maintain to another user, follow these steps: Navigate to the package page for the package you want to transfer, replacing<your-package-name>with the name of your package:https...
Name 自定义名称 Command 可执行命令,如 xxx.js xxx.class等,该文件需要具有可执行的x权限,可以通过形如./xxx.py方式执行;也可以直接用系统命令/bin/node /bin/bash等,此时需要把脚本路径放到Params里 Params 拼接在Command后的参数,如"--key {KEY} --value {VALUE}",其中{KEY}和{VALUE}在执行时会...
This repository is a collection of grammars without actions where the root directory name is the all-lowercase name of the language parsed by the grammar. For example, java, cpp, csharp, c, etc... Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in ...
User name=root Log in and enter the root password when prompted. On the right, navigate to \vmfs\volumes\[]\cloudvolumes\apps for Appstack or \vmfs\volumes\[]\cloudvolumes\packages for Packages. Download the three or four files for the AppStack\package you wish ...
A very common error in Linux; well, most Debian based Linux distributions such as Debian itself, Ubuntu, Kali, Linux Mint has this error when trying to install a package/application“Package packagename is not available, but is referre...