Fill your jira link and project name in link given below https://YOUR_JIRA_LINK/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=YOUR_PROJECT&expand=projects.issuetypes.fields& Now you have to find the fields for which you want to save the default values. ...
The pull secret is for an image we pull. The image is a registry. The secret and the pod that uses the secret at not in the kube-system namespace. When we use the image for a deployment, it works. When i create the secret in kube-system, the messages stop. What's going on ?
For load balancers, NAT rules aren't copied. Create them in the target region after you commit the move. For public IP addresses, the DNS name label isn't copied. Recreate the label after you commit the move. After preparing resources, they're in an Commit move pending state.Discard...
You can change the first INPUT element in several ways by changing the name of a field, adding a label to a field, or adding a default value. For example if you want to provide a more meaningful name, add a default value, and add a label, y...
[i].Id) @Html.LabelFor(model =>[i].Name,[i].Name) @Html.HiddenFor(model =>[i].Name) </p> </div> } <input type="submit" value="OK" id="opener" /> } @*PopUp for Alert if atleast one checkbox is not checked*@ <div id="popUp"...
I have two tables Table1, Table2, for illustrative purpose of my real scenario, I realized that you can populate the columns from Table2 based on the columns...
Logger Name : NT Kernel Logger Logger Id : ffff Logger Thread Id : 00000000000012A4 Buffer Size : 8192 Maximum Buffers : 118 Minimum Buffers : 96 Number of Buffers : 118 Free Buffers : 70 Buffers Written : 106898 Events Lost : 0 Log Buffers Lost : 0 Real Time Buffers Lost: 0 Flush ...
For example, type Dynamics.bak in the Filename field. Click OK to exit the Destination window. Click OK to start the database backup. You should receive the following message when the backup process is complete: The backup operation has been completed successfully message. Repeat steps 1 ...
A name collision could not be avoided between two classes that can be accessed through a My object, such as My.Forms.If there is a potential name collision between classes in a My object, the compiler changes the property name for the type from ClassName to RootNamespace_Namespace_Cla...
For Garden, another new label ; Home of the Celtics, Bruins giving up its middle nameJenn Abelson