Other major appliances include refrigerators and dishwashers, as well as dishwashers and clothes dryers. In addition to their functionality, many home appliances can be complicated, and they can be complicated to install. In general, household appliances are electric or mechanical devices that perform...
but that didn’t really help me. I’m not really sure why I met with her. During my time in Isreal, I met with a therapist for a while, Haiah was her name. In the beginning, I made it clear that if she wanted to talk about being taken away from mom, she’d have ...
Recently I reconnected with a woman I used to be friendly with. Her name was Martina. We met through a church activity, a thing in which I no longer participate. Our children grew up and we lost touch in the way that happens when people do not see each other very often. She was ki...
Yet, even more subtly, when a person gets fired from their job, because a new machine has been created which can do the work for less money, people tend to just accept that as ” the way it is” not seeing the inherent, corrupt inhumanity of such an action.Because the fact is, whet...
She got up and put her empty bowl and spoon in the dishwasher, and stood behind Al, her arms around his shoulders. He stopped eating. “What’s up?” “What’s Al short for?” “Alexander. I never use it; and Maggie has given it to my nephew now.” “Alexander the Great. No ...
I go into “get-er-done” gear: In about three minutes I empty the dryer, put laundry on my bed, go to the bathroom, feed the cat, feed the dog, load the dishwasher, empty the trash, put breakfast away, listen to my messages, put the clean linens in the closet in the hallway…...
The arch-wizard Orton hasn't been an ordinary human for many years, but traveling back into his own past for a fifth chance at defeating the evil magus Gentry puts him back in the year 1997, in his teenaged body as punk-rock dishwasher Dennis Wilkerson. (...) ...
They wanted a name that was fairly unique so that Internet searches for their restaurant would have them at the top of the list. Most importantly, since much of the staff came from Venice and la fórcola is unique to the boats of Venice, La Fórcola just seemed right. There are several...
I know that I have been out of the blogging game for quite a bit of time, and a lot of things have happened in that time. I’ve had at least three different jobs, moved to a new house in New Orleans, gotten married and moved to Chile – just to name a few. But seriously, 201...
I went to ANC and bought a boat load of supplements (vitamins, proteins, sleep aids, pro hormones–you name it). I told the guy behind the counter that I had just gotten out of rehab for oxys, and before I stepped back into a gym of any kind, I needed to get my health right....