Their website has some, but it’s just text and a name, making me a bit skeptical about how legit they are. However, I did find a video on YouTube of a woman giving it a taste test. So if you’re looking for a real, live review, check that out. ??? Value Gourmet aphrodis...
Patience, as you can see, would be a very ironic name for me! And then it all came full circle. I was at Walmart the other day (yeah, the “bad” one with the armed security guards and a store in which I’m not sure I want to buy anything but dogfood and then take a shower...
to name only a few. So, I was pleasantly surprised at the number of dating sites out in cyberspace suitable for “OLD PEOPLE.” There is an abundance of companies willing to cater to-a.k.a. prey on- those of us who spend much of our remaining time contemplating our own mortality, th...
Darn, life is complex.) Where was I? Oh yes, realizing that there is still a major problem. Which brings me to this latest atrocity. A terrorist attack by one American against others because of their race. Not, as a priest who spoke at this evening’s memorial pointed out, a “...
The complete aphorism of Hillel is an admonition that applies to the society that continues to bear Max Planck’s name: If I am not for myself who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? If not now when? Notes 1) Overbye D. Celebrating a Century of Confusion ...