I’m giving the name of today’s post in French because, in English, Veal Chops with Cheese sounds too pedestrian, like something sitting under a slice of Kraft American Singles. Be assured, this dish is more interesting than that. The recipe – which I found in the Beef and Veal volume...
to name a few. A wonderful way to enjoy the last tastes of your summer garden or even next year’s flavours. After a late day of work it had that refreshing taste that I love so much in Vietnamese cuisine. A light tasting perfect pick me up dinner. It was so enticing I couldn’...
increase the “buzz” around the name. The Prick is no economist but restaurants are notoriously tight-margined and a best-seller surely helps pays the bills or at least drive foot traffic for a lot of chefs in the same way celebrity endorsements are where the gravy is for, say, athletes...
Recently I reconnected with a woman I used to be friendly with. Her name was Martina. We met through a church activity, a thing in which I no longer participate. Our children grew up and we lost touch in the way that happens when people do not see each other very often. She was ki...
WE EVEN GOT A NAME FOR IT. WE CALL IT ‘CROSSING STREAMS.’ BUT, CHRIST, KEEP THEM DEVIANTS OUT OF THE WOMEN’S BATHROOM!” One of the first questions I asked myself when articles about transgender rights started popping up all over the internet is “Why am I seeing these all of ...
This, Ahmadeus – the name he had accepted of Mouney – agreed to. IV The more he got to know Ahmadeus the more he realized that he was a summation of himself: he had called him up, evoked him, he was a self-reflection; no longer was mankind a mass of individuals but a single...
Le. Coq Estonian beer to try because I couldn’t resist the name. While there was much more to see in Tallinn I decided to go for a good sauna, another thing the baltics, Nordics and Scandinavians are well known for. Upon my return to Helsinki it was Restaurant Day! Four times a ...
Please forgive the shameless plug for my blog that my sister and I added to your bag…LOL! If you read this, maybe you will leave me a comment and let me know how everything tasted. It would be greatly appreciated. You may even see your name in one of the photos, too!
And one kid was like “but that’s not his name, that’s your name!” And Fisherman Antonio was all indignant and said “I feed him for 40 years! His name is Antonio!” The main attraction in Meis is called the Blue Cave or Blue Grotto, and you need to hire one of the ...