Watts DH. Mother to child transmission of HIV--another complication of bacterial vaginosis? J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2012; 60:221-4.D. Heather Watts. (2012) Mother to Child Transmission of HIV—Another Complication of Bacterial Vaginosis?. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes...
LifeQual Pharmaceuticals Small Molecule, Bacterial Vaginosis LifeScan LifeScience Alley Life Science Pharmaceuticals LifeSensors Life Stem Genetics Life Technologies LigoCyte Pharmaceuticals Eli Lilly Small Molecules, Biologics Lilly Research Laboratories Lilly Ventures Linguamatics Link Health Group Linnaeus Plant ...
Sequences of the moonlighting proteins do not contain known motifs for surface export or anchoring, and it has remained open whether bacterial moonlighting proteins are actively secreted to the cell wall or whether they are released from traumatized cells and then rebind onto the bacteria. In ...
Sequences of the moonlighting proteins do not contain known motifs for surface export or anchoring, and it has remained open whether bacterial moonlighting proteins are actively secreted to the cell wall or whether they are released from traumatized cells and then rebind onto the bacteria. In ...