P.S. I’d love to hear what folks brave enough to try it out think. And if you’ve any suggestions on how to navigate properly or how the ‘rooms’ are laid out, which seems to be the bulk of my problem with the game, I just can’t create a picture in my head that matches ...
and Gemba. We love coaching organizing around the value stream and delivering a flow of value. We love this because we see the real benefit Lean and Agile thinking brings to an enterprise. However, there is another valuable but lesser known Toyota story we should tell and and that is the ...
I forgot about Diane’s plant. She bought these things while we were in Tucson. I know there’s a post about our trip there. The tall skinny plane in the middle did not have that stalk with flowery things on top before we left. That was just around January 8. It must love living ...
Well anyway, I carried my intense froggy love back to Idaho with me and just couldn’t wait to write my blog about ‘Froggy.’ It started off great and wonderful until I started a Google search on American bullfrogs (native to the Eastern and Central United States) only to discover that...
JOEL: I love stories like that. > > Hedgehog X was nervous. CROW: "Somebody’s bound to find out what my X stands for!" > He fretted. He paced. JOEL: "They’ve probably searched the apartment by now… they have to know about my pictures of Slappy Squirrel." > He even > talke...
門票成人一千日元。所以有意前往者必須先查清楚,以免空跑。 MIHO網址:http://www.miho.or.jp/。 ★ 搭帝產巴士至MIHO,全部車程約1小時。巴士由市區逐漸到偏僻的山上,最後到達MIHO Museum,過程頗有探尋桃花源之感。 ★Travel Time: By Auto 1 hour from Kyoto ★By Train / Bus Kyoto Station to Ishiyama ...
The left will scream and throw tantrums and secretly love the latest shit nugget that Trump throws at them. And maybe…just maybe…some good things will happen in the process. For the first time in nine years, it feels like I’m the guy in the catbird seat. Either way the election ...
It’s been 1 year since I’ve been actively using Twitter and made it a part of my PLN (Personal Learning Network). Here’s what I’ve done to extend my PLN, keep learning, and start giving back to teachers and the teaching profession in my retirement. I love being a connected educa...
“plum blossom” is the official title of a Tang Dynasty concubine because of her love for it. As for the “poplar”, it is the last name of the imperial concubine who later replaced the former as the emperor’s new favourite. Once they were the number two in the land but in the ...
If you are using cloud computing for any reason, there is high possibility that you will fall in love with cloud storage. Most of the cloud providers have storage integrated with other offerings they have. Whenever we use cloud platform like Microsoft Windows Azure either in IaaS, PaaS or Saa...