Listen to Another Day in Paradise - A Collection of Phil Collins Hits by The London Starlight Orchestra on Apple Music. 1991. 15 Songs. Duration: 1 hour, 6 minutes.
歌曲名《Another Day in Paradise》,由 Midnite String Quartet 演唱,收录于《MSQ Performs Phil Collins》专辑中。《Another Day in Paradise》下载,《Another Day in Paradise》在线试听,更多相关歌曲推荐尽在网易云音乐
Another Day In Paradise (Reissue) 26 首歌曲 更多Strung Out的作品 Dead Rebellion Dead Rebellion 2024年 Exile In Oblivion Exile In Oblivion 2004年 Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues 1996年 Songs of Armor and Devotion Songs of Armor and Devotion 2019年 Twisted ...
In 1982, Higgins had a top 40 album with Just Another Day in Paradise. 曲目· ··· Just Another Day In Paradise Casablanca Candle Dancer Key Largo Port O Call White Line Fever The Heart Is The Hunter She's Gone To Live On The Mountain Down At The Blue Moon The Tropics 喜欢听"Jus...
专辑名:Another Day In Paradise (Single) 歌手:Phil Collins 发行时间:1989-10-09 简介:这首《Another Day in Paradise》是Phil最为出名的一首曲子,其翻唱版本多达数十种,70年代出生的朋友首次的接触流行歌曲中应该就有这首。歌曲象一首叙事诗,通过Phil Collins充满感情的歌声,表达了对弱者的同情和对“天堂”社...
全部播放 专辑名:Another Day In Paradise 歌手:Ødyssey、Recreation 发行时间:2024-03-15 简介: <Another Day In Paradise> - 歌曲列表 全部播放播放全选 01Ødyssey、Recreation - Another Day In Paradise 网页仅展示部分内容,请移步酷狗客户端查看完整歌单...
在Apple Music 上畅听Bertie Higgins的《Another Day In Paradise (Single)》。在线播放热门歌曲,包括《Another Day In Paradise (Country Radio Mix)》和《Early Morning Love》。
And you dropped a new mixtape,Another Day in Paradise, today. What does this project mean for you? All my music is about progress. I feel like it took me a lifetime to gain the experience and the knowledge that I needed to put the project together, you know what I mean? But...
Rock ...in Jazz! (Roxanne, Coc*ine, Another Day in Paradise, Smoke On the Water, Light My Fire, Angie, Smells Like Teen Spirit, the Rain Song, Money...) 来自:Various Artists 无 收藏 共16首歌 RoxanneMattia Capitini Shapes of ThingsJazz Breakers I've Got YouCoffee Shop Another Day...