anorexia meaning, definition, what is anorexia: a mental illness that makes someone stop...: Learn more.
anorexiant 2 of 2 adjective : anorectic sense 2 Dictionary Entries Near anorexiant anorexia nervosa anorexiant anorexic See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Anorexiant.” Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "move in a straight line," with derivatives meaning "to direct in a straight line," thus "to lead, rule." It forms all or part of:abrogate;address;adroit;Alaric;alert;anorectic;anorexia;arrogant;arrogate;bishopric;correct;corvee;derecho;derogate;derogatory;Dietri...
1590s, "to start with fright (as a startled horse does), shy, take alarm," from Middle English bugge "specter" (among other things, supposed to scare horses at night); see bug (n.); also compare bogey (n.1), boggart. The meaning " hesitate, stop as if afraid to proceed in ...
British Dictionary definitions for corporate anorexia corporate anorexia noun a malaise of a business organization resulting from making too many creative people redundant in efforts to cut costs Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd....
In the elderly, clinically significant weight loss is closely related to malnutrition, the causes of which can proliferate in this age group. Clinicians must therefore keep a wide range of possible etiologies in mind when evaluating these patients. These fall into the general categories of social,...
very little details. Flat, basic, meaningless facts that are left for you to determine the meaning of. Yes, now it’s finally up toyouto choose what you want to make of them. It’s your life—everything that occupies it, you have the right to make it—in your mind—whatever you ...
Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 28, 1-19. JE. I don't think anorexia is the way out. Reconstruction of meaning in women's narratives of anorexia nervosa over ten years. J Constr Psychol. 2016;29:165-183....
To many people anorexia is a complete enigma. The idea of people starving themselves to emaciation, even to death, seems a phenomenon utterly devoid of meaning and an almost alien challenge to even primitive joy, and to life itself.Page %P Close Plain text Look Inside Chapter Metrics ...
Our research also focused primarily on the textual data uploaded with Instagram posts, meaning the visual data were not analysed in this study. Future analyses of this imagery could yield further insights into conceptualisations of recovery. Our data also only included posts written in English, thus...