manometryanal sphincterObjective:Symptomatic hemorrhoids are a very common disease and are known to induce specific manometric changes that are reversed by excisional surgery. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy has recently been gaining acceptance as an alternative surgical procedure for the treatment of prolapsed, ...
A diagnosis of outlet dysfunction should be considered when there is impaired expulsion of a water-filled balloon from the rectum (patients are asked to attempt this in privacy). The diagnosis may then be confirmed by at least two of the following studies: anorectal manometry, anal sphincter ele...
manometryanalysisofanalanatomyandpressures,respectively,fromFebruary2011through March2013attheMayoClinic.Analpressuresweredeterminedbyhigh-resolutionmanometry, analsphincterandpuborectalisinjurywasdeterminedbyendoanalMRI,andanalcanal integritywasdeterminedbytorsoMRI.Associationsbetweenmanometricandanatomicpa- rameterswereeva...
Anorectal manometry is one way of evaluating the patient's quality of life, as it is an efficient way of assessing the anal function before and after neoadjuvant and/or surgical treatment. It is important to evaluate the function of the anal sphincter, as it can dictate the surgical treatment...
Spagnolo E;Zannoni L; Raimondo D;.Urodynamic e- valuation and anorectal manometry pre-and post-opera-tive bowel shaving surgical procedure for posterior deep infiltrating endometriosis:a pilot study.J Minim Inva- sive Gynecol.2014.1080-1085
et al. [8] compared results of anolipofilling with pre- and post-operative ano-rectal manometry and endosonography. According to preliminary results of this procedure in adults’ incontinence reported in the literature and the wide use of autologous adipose tissue transplant in other disciplines, ...