I don't think you will find much on the Interwebs that would support wholesale use of anonymous types as return types in API methods. But one use of them would be as a cheat to speed up the creation of classes using the tip that DA924 mentioned - to generate your C# class from the...
how to get session value in java script how to get start date and end date of the week of the given month and year according to calender how to get svg image height and width How to get System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager from unit tests? how to get text from dropdown list in asp...
[Beginner] Create a model class field containing a list of objects from another table with ASP.NET MVC [CORE MVC] How to get parent controller name in a partial view? [Critical Question] Can mvc's controller method be concurrently executed in one page?? [DataType(DataType.EmailAddres...
Access Connection String from Class Library Access denied for web.config file Access Downloads folder in Client machine from asp.net web application. Access files from .bin folder in ASP .NET Web application Access hidden value from View to Controller access label on another page? Access Query...