Kids Definition anomaly noun anom·a·lyə-ˈnäm-ə-lē pluralanomalies 1 :an act or instance of not following the general rule or method 2 :something anomalous:something different, abnormal, strange, or not easily described ...
This past Saturday, I co-ran a”Genius Day” workshop for a dozen or so middle school-age kids for a local non-profit organization, theInstitute for Educational Advancement. Previous “Genius Days” have focused on Darwin, Shakespeare, and William Strata Smith, and I helped out a friend la...
It will make you feel slightly older, for better or worse. But you should not ask whether you should read this book. No. What you should ask is: where are the liminal hiding spots that kids sneak off to when they do not want to engage in mandatory socializing, and what books can be...
Animal Ethics Approval for this experiment was granted by the Animal Ethics Review Board of National Taiwan Ocean University Aquaculture (IACUC 105031, College of Life Science). Since zebrafish embryos under 7 days (168 hpf) are excluded from the definition of "vertebrate animals" provided by the...