the only thing that counts is 'unction', not function," he said, referring to the religious ritual of anointing someone with oils. Pope urges priests to liven up Masses After noting how Luke's anointing story gets confused and conflated with the anointing of Jesus in the other Gospels, she...
In the Old Testament, anointing was primarily associated with the consecration of individuals to specific roles and offices. The Hebrew word for anointing, "mashach," implies the act of smearing or pouring oil upon someone or something. This act was a physical representation of being set apart ...
1.To apply oil, ointment, or a similar substance to. 2.To put oil on during a religious ceremony as a sign of sanctification or consecration. 3.To choose by or as if by divine intervention. [Middle Englishenointen, from Old Frenchenoint, past participle ofenoindre, from Latininunguere,...
Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. Holy Incense and Holy Anointing Oil - Oils of BibleCopyright © 2010-24 LLC ...
We may think this was a highly unusual thing to do but in those times guests’ feet were often washed as a sign of respect and welcome into someone’s home, after the long trek it took to reach the home on foot.People did not just jump in a car, bus, or take a train wherever ...
Why do some people feel they have to exalt themselves by putting someone else down? Judas objects to the extreme extravagance of Mary's gesture -- and you might too. How would you react if someone gave a $50,000 gift to your church that would be literally "blown away" by the wind in...
Wholesale Anointing Oil. We are giving wholesale pricing for all to promote Prayer, Prophetic Acts and Marketplace Ministry. Partner with us in prayer for the Healing of the Nations. If you or someone you know needs prayer please click on the “Need Prayer?” link at the top of the page...
This appears to be a form of Docetism that we explained in the Introduction. Influenced by a strong Greek dualism -- flesh is bad, spirit is good -- they held that someone in the flesh couldn't be divine. Since Christ was divine, then he only "seemed" or "appeared" to be in a hu...
With a note characteristic of someone who was there and remembered, the author adds that the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfumed oil. In the later rabbinic literature, Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7.1.1 states “The fragrance of good oil is diffused from the bedroom to the dining hall...
Anointing, for someone who is conscious andcapax sui, must be received in the state of grace. That’s why these scheduled Mass anointing services are a horrible abuse of the sacrament and of the people: most of them haven’t been in a confessional for a long time. Thus, the sacrament ...