Jesus, you aretheAnointed One-you are the Messiah prophesied in the Bible, you are the promised Seed [...] 感謝主耶穌,你是那位受膏者-聖經所預言的彌賽亞,所 應許之大衛的子孫,你已經降臨在人間,不單是以色列的彌賽 ...
The article offers a literary criticism focusing on the interpretation of the identity of "the anointed one" in the Bible's book of Daniel 9:24-27. The author argues that the the anointed one refers to the community in light of the historical context of the Second Temple period in ...
弥赛亚本意是受膏者(the anointed one)。在犹太教中,受膏者可以是国王和大祭司。|基于102个网页 2. 被涂膏的人 ...文的"Messiah"(音:埋希哈),二者都解作「被涂膏的人」(the anointed one),翻译成希腊文,便是"Christos",再由此而得"… ...
The Lexham English Bible45 Thus says Yahweh to his anointed one, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped to subjugate nations before him, and I uncovera the loins of kings to open doors before him, and the gates shall not be shut: 2 “I myself will go before you, and...
his Latest Book,"Rise of the Anointed Ones." Books, Workbooks, Bible Studies, and More Currnent Books by Kenneth L. Birks About Ken Birks Ken Birks is an ordained Pastor/ Teacher/ Author in the Body of Christ. He was the Sr. Pastor of Golden Valley Christian Center in Roseville CA for...
The Whole and Ancient Truth you were never told and wereFORBIDDENto question! Over 40% Translated out of Angelic, the Language of the Heavens. Wisdom as Ancient as all Creation! More Powerful than the Bible, Qur'an, Bhagavad Gita Lankavatara Sutra, Upanishads and Tipitaka combined. ...
2 Kings 9 Lexham English Bible Jehu Anointed Prophetically to Rule in Place of Joram of Israel 9 Now Elisha the prophet called for one of the sons of the prophets, and he said to him, “Gird your loins, and take this flask of olive oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth-Gilead. 2...
The lady in the white blouse is the one who received this invitation. The man leaning into me is the one of those who was healed of major pain related to metal in his body that was placed there after he was run over by a car two times. The picture of the two men with me includes...
His Anointed One (2:2).Anointing a king with oil in order to inaugurate him into office was... PLUSDo your Biblical studies anywhere! Access $3,100 worth of premium resources on the go! Upgrade toBible Gateway Plusand get the best value in digital Bible study...
6 In this time of the end, many faithful Christians have ‘roved about’ in the pages of God’s Word, the Bible. The result? With Jehovah’s blessing on their efforts, true knowledge has become abundant. For instance,anointed Witnesses of Jehovah have been blessed with insight, enabling th...