So annuity schemes are a natural supplement for retirement income. 所以,年金保险方案很自然被人们当做对退休后收入的补充。This apparently low annuity rate reflects increasing life expectancy. 这种明显低的年金率反映了人们平均寿命的延长。'it opens doors to more business and more of an annuity stream,'...
, much like life insurance. You can also structure an annuity to pay for a specific period of time such as 20 years or even for life. Annuities can also be set up to pay out to surviving spouses, ensuring that they continue to enjoy the annuity’s income for the rest of their life....
More people can qualify for extra annuity income for life.More people can qualify for extra annuity income for life AprilLegal & General Group Plc
purchased life annuity 已购人寿保险年金 相似单词 annuity n. 年金,养老金,年金领受权 income n.[C,U]收入;收益;所得 Life 1. 生命;生存[U] life n.[C] 1.生命;性命;生存 2.生命般宝贵的人(或事物) 3.一生;寿命 4.人生阶段 5.(物的)使用期,有效期;(权利、许可等的)期限 6.【物】(亚...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】Retirement Income Annuity: Guaranteed Income for Life》,作者:Keppel Mba,出版社:Createspace Independent Publishing Platform。最新《【预订】Retirement Income Annuity: Guaranteed Income for Life》简介、书评、试读、价
Pension annuities provide a guaranteed annuity income for life. Find out more about our retirement annuities and get a quote online today.
life income annuity 终身年金人寿保险 annuity certain and life 【经】 定期和终身年金 purchased life annuity 已购人寿保险年金 相似单词 annuity n. 年金,养老金,年金领受权 Life 1. 生命;生存[U] life n.[C] 1.生命;性命;生存 2.生命般宝贵的人(或事物) 3.一生;寿命 4.人生阶段 5.(物的...
We are introducing this new online annuity calculator as a valuable online tool which makes it easy for you to estimate the income you can expect if you purchase a life annuity from a given Canadian annuity company. It gives you figures and general information about your potential income. ...
The calculator incorporates an annuitization method to correctly estimate monthly income for two levels of monthly payments. The first one projects the income stream for just the participant while the second one takes into account the joint life of a participant as well as a spouse being paid...
At Annuity Ready, we help you to compare pension lifetime annuity rates from all providers in the open market. If you’re planning your retirement and want the certainty of a guaranteed income for life, then a pension lifetime annuity may be right for you. You can use our annuity calc...