小王在学习定量风险评估方法后,决定试着为单位机房计算火灾的风险大小,假设单位机房的总价值为 200 万元人民币,暴露系数Exposure Factor,EF是 25%,年度发生率nnualized Rate of Occurrence,RO为 01,那么小王计算的年度预期损失nnualized Loss Expectancy,LE应该是。;5 万元
The CPI excluding food and energy of core CPI, increased at a 0.6%annualized rate. The median CPI and 16% trimmed-mean CPI, measures of inflation that exclude the most extreme price changes, also rose modestly, atannualized ratesof 1.6% and 1.7%, respectively. ...