so you avoid the hassle of buying a policy every time you travel and save money as it works out cheaper than taking out many single trip policies throughout the year. At, any one trip can have a maximum duration of up to 60 days* depending on age and cover level, and...
Travel pros know: An annual travel insurance plan is the easiest, most economical way to protect a year’s worth of adventures. Taking two or more trips? Buy an AllTrips plan, and you’ve got peace of mind for 365 days. One of our most popular options isAllTrips Prime, which includes...
Travelers taking extended trips, where the trip length exceeds 90 days Travelers with existing travel medical insurance through another source, such as a credit card Annual policies are designed to provide long-term travel insurance benefits and peace of mind to travelers taking multiple trips through...
The more you travel, the more you save:If you’re planning more than one trip this year, you could save time and money with annual travel insurance. Going away lots? The cost per trip will work out as even less! Tailor your policy to you and your trip:Our policies already have over...
comprehensive travel insurance policy is often very affordable, but the price will depend on how much coverage you choose as well as other variables, like where you live, your age and the number of days you can travel for each trip (you can typically select either 30, 45, or 60 days of...
Going away twice or more this year? Our annual travel insurance is the one for you We'll cover you up to31days at a time on our Essential policy and up to90days on our Premier policy Multi trip travel insurance can save you time and money. You'll have one policy for all your trip...
We offer a choice of three cover levels ranging fromEconomytoSuperandSuper Plus, with trip durations available from 31 days to 60 days any one trip covering either European or Worldwide trips depending on your particular needs. also provides the facility for booking Single...
Annual Travel Insurance Annual travel insurance provides medical coverage while on any number of trips, as long as each trip duration does not exceed the maximum allowed by the insurance plan, typically 30 days or 45 days. What does Multitrip travel insurance include? Emergency Medical ...
Travel Insurance Online For Single Trips and Annual Multi Trips Worldwide. Covers Medicals, Cancellations, Travel Delays, 60 Activities, Loss, Theft & more.