Army Air Forces balloon crashed into a farmer’s field near the Roswell Army Air Force base in New Mexico, prompting what would become one of the biggest conspiracy theories of all time. Air Force officials blamed a military weather balloon, prompting locals to start sharing theories about a ...
(RV) consumershowsonthewestcoastforthepast28years,isabouttounveilthe2012modelsofRV’s, coaches,trailers,parkmodels,campers,vansandtowvehicles.Manufacturersanddealersare readytokickoffthe2012salesyearhereinPortland,showcasingtheirnewcoaches,technology, accessoriesandamenities–alsothisisoneofthebesttimesoftheyear...
I went on my first solo trip for 6 weeks to Peru and wandered into Bolivia near the end of it. I also went to Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin a few months later. It’s great when you get laid off and take the time to do some things that you always wanted to do! Cheers! Brandie ...