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Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry Book series 2.5 CiteScore Chapters & Volumes Submit search Chapters in press This journal currently does not have articles in press Note to users: Chapters in press are peer reviewed, accepted chapters to be published in this publication. When the final cha...
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Adducts of NF2+ with diatomic and simple polyatomic ligands: A computational investigation on the structure, stability, and thermochemistry Vinciguerra V.Adducts of NF2^+ with diatomic and simple polyatomic Ligands:a computatioinal investigation on the structure,stability and thermo chemistry[J]... F...
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Virtual computational chemistry laboratory: Internet tool for remote modeling and design in chemical problems Exploiting electronical networks allows preparing special tools by cooperative effort of different departments and institutions. In proposed report we desc... I Tetko,V Tanchuk - IEEE...
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