Raj Aboobucker, NDB Bank Vice President Retail and Institutional Banking Source: HomeSend.com 7 Source: HomeSend.com CONTINUED MOMENTUM JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS As the world becomes more globalised, HomeSend is leading the way with more efficient, more reliable and more cost effective cross-border ...
President, New Development Bank (NDB) Prior to his appointment as President of the NDB, Mr. Marcos Troyjo pursued a successful multi-layered career in government, business, academia and the public debate on economic development. He recently served as Brazil’s Deputy Economy Minister and Special ...
Commercial Bankmoves up in ranking securing the second position overtakingPeople’s Bank. This is primarily due to being the strongest banking brand with a BSI score of 86.7 and a AAA brand rating. Stronger the brand, higher the potential value it can generate in the future. The bank’s att...
Despite the lower economic activity and reduced interest rates, some banks were still able to record an increase in year-on-year revenues.NDBwas the fastest growing bank this year, recording a 15% growth in brand value to Rs. 10.3 billion, and simultaneously jumping four spots in the ranking...
年內,我們與泰國的 Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited(盤谷銀行)和新西蘭的ASB Bank Limited (ASB)建立新的長期策略性夥 伴合作關係.我們亦在多個市場的現有銀行保險夥伴分銷推出「AIA Vitality」,以進一步突顯友邦保險的產品和服 務.例如,在我們與Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)夥伴合作中,結合「Vitality...
年內,我們與泰國的 Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited(盤谷銀行)和新西蘭的ASB Bank Limited (ASB)建立新的長期策略性夥 伴合作關係.我們亦在多個市場的現有銀行保險夥伴分銷推出「AIA Vitality」,以進一步突顯友邦保險的產品和服 務.例如,在我們與Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)夥伴合作中,結合「Vitality...
包括泰國 的Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited(盤谷銀行)及越南的Vietnam Prosperity Joint-Stock Commercial Bank (VPBank).我們亦宣佈一項交易,在取得一切必要之監管機構及政府機關批准以完成整項交易的前提下, 我們將與澳洲聯邦銀行和新西蘭的ASB Bank Limited (ASB) 建立長達20年的策略性銀行保險夥伴關係,此為...
菲律賓: 友邦保險的菲律賓業務在2015年 錄得非常強勁 的新業務價值增長,主要由於我們持續執行「最優秀代理」 策略,以及進一步加強我們與獨家銀行夥伴Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)的合作.代理業務方面,我們透過 推行嶄新的活動管理系統, 以及增加iPoS的 使用至超過 80%的新業務申請均透過iPoS遞交,從而提升代理...
於2014財政年度,此充足率按年維持穩定,乃由於保 留盈利強勁和市場的正面變動, 並已扣除我們與 Citibank, N.A.(花旗銀行)長期合作協議所包括的8.00 億美元首筆付款(花旗銀行首筆付款), 派付給 AIA Group Limited 的股息及因業務增長而增加的最低監管 資本.地區業務於2014年向集團企業中心匯付17.18億 美元. ...