Report for the Year 1917 from the Lunacy Division, Egypt, being the Twenty-third Annual Report on the Government Asylum at Abbasiya, and the Sixth Annual R... Report for the Year 1917 from the Lunacy Division, Egypt, being the Twenty-third Annual Report on the Government Asylum at Abba...
Performance managementViewgraphs highlight the 9th Annual International Cost Schedule Performance Management Conference held at Tysons Corner, Virginia, on 19-23 Oct 1997.*COSTSAbba, WOffice of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology)...
Lee, H.-H.; Iraqui, O.; Gu, Y.; Yim, S.H.-L.; Chulakadabba, A.; Tonks, A.Y.-M.; Yang, Z.; Wang, C. Impacts of air pollutants from fire and non-fire emissions on the regional air quality in Southeast Asia. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2018, 18, 6141–6156. [Google Scholar]...
In Report on a WHO Workshop; EU/07/5067587; World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe: Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007. Atmosphere 2017, 8, 234 12 of 14 8. Janssen, N.A.H.; Hoek, G.; Simic-Lawson, M.; Fischer, P.; van Bree, L.; ten Brink, H.; Keuken, M.; Atkinson,...
äußere Transparenz im Hinblick auf unsere nicht strategischen Positionen zu verbessern, durch Abtrennung der nicht zum Kerngeschäft gehörenden Aktivitäten den Fokus des Managements stärker auf das Kerngeschäft zu richten und eine gezielte Beschleunigung des Risikoabbaus zu erreichen...
22..55.. IInntteeggrraattiioonn ooff IICCPP//UUNNEECCEE,, IISSOOCCOORRRRAAGG aanndd MMIICCAATT DDaattaabbaasseess TTaabblleess44––66prperseesnetntthethdeatdabataasbeassfiensalfliynaclolnysicdoenrseiddeforerdthefoIrCPth/eUINCEPC/UE,NISEOCCEO, IRSROACGOaRnRdAMGICaAndT pMroICgAraTmpmro...
Available online: (accessed on 24 July 2017). World Health Organisation (WHO). Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being Among Young People. Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Study: International Report from ...