Parasite prevention is key to maintaining your dog’s health because these pests can transmit serious or deadly diseases to you or your pet. Parasite preventives are typically given as a monthly oral or topical medication, one for fleas and ticks and another for heartworm. ...
Amedeo NapoliFlorence Le BerJean LieberJeanFrançois MariEmmanuel NauerYannick ToussaintAntoinette CourrierRim Al HulouSandra BerasaluceMartine Cadot
Sampled record: Ukui I POM daily report "Laporan Harian Pabrik" dated 31st December 2014, consist of FFB received, FFB processed, Production, Shipping/dispatch and CPO stock; Daily and Monthly preventive maintenance record from December 2014 in each station. 4.1.4 T...
15.6% i.v. infusion; 96% self-administration vs. 4% infusion-center/hospital; 59.4% monthly vs. 40.6% every 6 months. Perceived unmet needs of aCD20 are: lack of long-term data (33.3%), other [incl. organizational burden, follow up, improvement of symptoms, price] (21%), on...