You can read the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting here Minutes APM 2024 0428, PDF Download Minutes APCM 2024 0428, PDF Download
Minutes of the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING of the PARISH OF FARNHAM ROYAL held on Monday, 9th March 2015 in Farnham Royal Village Hall at 8 pm Present: Mr.Chairman
However, the most important events to all villages are their individual festas, honouring their parish patron saint. Religious holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, are highly celebrated, with the traditional festivities that go along with them. As families tend to be quite close-knit, the ...
Denis Parish, in South Carolina, from 1680 to 1884. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1974. Cobb, James C. The Brown Decision, Jim Crow, and Southern Identity. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2005. ——-. The South and America Since World War II. Oxford; New York: Oxford ...
The Benefice account is now only used torecord Parish Magazine income and expenditure and Clergy income and expenditure. John said his involvement hadbeen to summarise the accounts for the APCM but that David Thake had kept the records for the last 10 years....
Caroline PetherickMarch
The Benefice account is now only used torecord Parish Magazine income and expenditure and Clergy income and expenditure. John said his involvement hadbeen to summarise the accounts for the APCM but that David Thake had kept the records for the last 10 years.Angela Palmer...