The goals we set for students with special needs is defined by anIndividualized Educational Plan(IEP) not necessarily standardized testing. So the team is left with a difficult decision, do you set the bar just out of reach so you always have something to shoot for, set it low so yo...
Writing Measurable Annual Goals and Short -term Objectives/BenchmarksBy Region 3 MonitorsMARSE Rule Oct.1, 2011R340.1721e Individual Educational Program (a) A statement of measurable annual goals, including measurable short-term objectives. MDE has also identified that benchmarks can be written in...
TheIEP~Benchmarksand Short-termObjectives Beforethechangeinthelaw,theIEPteam wasrequiredtoincludeshort-term objectivesformeetingmeasurableannual IEPgoals. Withoutshorttermobjectives,parentshave nowayofmeasuringwhethertheirchildis makingprogressinachievingtheirannual ...