Plant-feeding reptiles obtain water from succulent leaves, flowers, and so on, and secrete potassium carbonates from nasal salt glands. 10. Large desert adapted mammals store fat in humps or in the tail and have labile body temperatures while maintaining brain temperatures at 38°C viacountercurren...
It took about a month, but in December the toxic oil spill at the River Road Reserve got a cleanup. The area next to it is part of the Josephine County Food Bank, but unless the City wins the lottery, the rest of the 248 acres won't be developed anytime in the near future. In ...
A.J. Scott with Mediterranean distribution, belongs to the Eurasian clade of Sarcocornia [14]. The three species are morphologically similar, with succulent and articulate stems, reduced leaves, and inflorescences of minute reduced flowers. Their young, fleshy tips are edible and commercialised ...