Due to climate similarities and close geographic proximity (60 km, mean peak spring temperature acceleration date, described below, within 2 days of each other), all analyses consider geolocator data from the Parker River and Rachel Carson sites as one site (hereafter referred to as “...
More than a decade ago, it was recognized that the ongoing increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) would affect not only the annual mean state of ocean CO2system variables but also their seasonal variations. Theory suggests that seasonal variations in ocean pH and CO2partial pressure (pCO2)...
The workers are aware of the danger of hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to high noise levels. The workers are also aware of the complaints process and mechanism available. "Permit to work" system was applied at the POM Comply Comply Page 17 of 46 PF441 RSPO Public Summary Report ...
Sabbath and Sunday Closed Telephone: Business line (916) 637-4111 or 878-7222 VISITORS Due to the rapid growth of the "Weimar family" we have extremely limited g~est loci lilies. PLEASE, if you plan to visit Weimar overnight, make advance reserve· lions. Otherwise. we cannoi guarantee ...
The large EOS MAD was mostly due to the large deviations in the EOS points at the California sites (US-Ton and US-Var) observed in the middle of the year, and those in the Arizona sites at the end of the year (Fig. 10). The one extreme EOS point observed in Greenness-Wetness was...
The Capitol grounds, which has tradition- ally been the beginning place for the march was closed on MLK Day due to preparations for the gubernatorial inaugu- ration on Tueaday. After a program at UT, the Marchers continued on to historic Huston- Tillotson University in East Austin, where ...
(3, 0.1 ≤ r ≤ 0.9, 116) random time series move apart from chaotic behaviour. Original dataset shows values close to chaotic behaviour for 0.35 ≤ r ≤ 0.47. However, there is not possible to reach any conclusion due to the erratic behaviour of random and original...
seasonal difference in the timing of predation may be strong enough to explain a substantial part of the interactive relationship between relative head volume and annual predation risk on survivorship. Thus, based on mean predicted hatching dates (see Fig. 3 in ref.20), females having the ...
With new Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)-2 lidar (Light detection and ranging) datasets and classical Landsat imagery, a method was proposed to monitor annual changes of lake water levels and volumes for 35 years dated back to 1980s. Ba
Confusion between these two classes was due to spectral similarities and the fact that they were often collocated, sometimes on the same field during different years. There was also map confusion with classes that represented transitional situations (e.g., shrubland encroachment on grasslands). ...