Mercedes-Benz Group AG’s (ticker symbol: MBG) sharpened focus on high-end passenger cars and premium vans, combined with tight cost control, helped to lift Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) by 28% to €20.5 billion (2021: €16.0 billion) last ye
such as the introduction of shipping into the European Union Emissions Trading System (ETS). Starting from 2023, ship-owners will be charged for each metric tonne of in-scope CO2emitted. This presents a considerable challenge for the
When the electricity for charging comes from renewable energy sources the resulting real-world well-to-wheel CO2 emissions of these PHEV are 37 gCO(2)/km. However, even with the current US electricity mix, the annual CO2 savings of all registered Chevrolet Volts in the U.S. amount to ...
the number one imported good was passenger cars. In 2022, it dropped significantly to number three. There are two reasons for it. First, there was a serious shortage of chips during the pandemic, so global auto production was curtailed. Second, the U.S. has had an increase...
The consultation on a new vehicle CO2 emissions regulatory framework for the UK focused on the regulatory mechanisms (CO2 regulation and/or ZEV mandate) and the definition of Significant Zero Emission Capability for cars and vans. SMMT argued for a flexible approach to deliver on 2030/35, ...
Joseph M. Harary, President and CEO of Research Frontiers, who will be participating in the panel, noted: “We are living in an age where new technologies are becoming increasingly important in adding safety, functionality, and efficiency to cars. How cars, their occupants, and society interact...
As expected, supply and demand continue to normalize for new and used cars. It is therefore expected that revenues from remarketing lease returns will be lower than 2023. For the Group’s pre-tax profit, we expec...
1.Including€1.5bncashoutflowfromtaxpaymentsforpastassessmentperiods.2.SpecialdividendnetofproceedsfromPSE.19 OperatingResultbyDivision PassengerCarsstabledespite€-3.2bnhedgingeffects;CommercialVehiclesdoubledmargin AutomotiveDivisionFinancialServicesDivision
Oliver Blume, CEO Volkswagen Group, speaks at the Volkswagen Group Annual Media, Analyst and Investor Conference in Berlin Videos Opening Film Annual Media Conference 03/20/2024Duration: 00:01:13Rights: Use for editorial purposes free of charge ...