【annoying orange】烦人的柳丁--汉堡(中文字幕) 是在优酷播出的娱乐高清视频,于2017-02-06 12:34:16上线。视频内容简介:Polymer video #7
The web series features an annoying orange who annoys other fruits and vegetables using jokes and puns. The character looks like an orange which has eyes and a mouth, and it feels like actually orange is talking. The Orange effect videos went viral on the Internet, and a lot of people act...
11:59 Annoying Orange - LIGHTBLADE VR (Lightsaber Sim!) 2016-07-14 04:21 Annoying Orange - Lick a Toad! 2016-07-14 02:07 HOW2 How to Deal with a Baby Sibling! 2016-07-14 05:06 Annoying Orange - NASCAR Pit Crew Part Deux! (fe 2016-06-15 01:44 HOW2 Win at Scrabble! 2016-06...
11:59 Annoying Orange - LIGHTBLADE VR (Lightsaber Sim!) 2016-07-14 04:21 Annoying Orange - Lick a Toad! 2016-07-14 02:07 HOW2 How to Deal with a Baby Sibling! 2016-07-14 05:06 Annoying Orange - NASCAR Pit Crew Part Deux! (fe 2016-06-15 01:44 HOW2 Win at Scrabble! 2016-06...
在线看The Annoying Orange 1 Hey Apple 1分钟 32秒。12 2月 2014的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 1 — 已浏览。
- [Narrator] With Orange around, things in the kitchen - [旁白]有橙子在身邊,廚房裡的事情 tend to get more than a little annoying. 往往會讓人多多少少有些煩躁。 From motorboating, to nya-nya-ing, to burping, 從摩托艇,到妞妞,再到打嗝。 to other bodily functions, 到其他身體機能。
(Monterey Park, Alhambra, Rosemead etc.) that I’ve previously written meal reports from. Indeed, Garden Grove is not even in LA County; it’s in Orange County (as is Costa Mesa). I just lazily bundle them all together as “Los Angeles” because in my head Greater LA is a larger ...
46 1,896 votes instantly recognizable for his role as jim levenstein in the american pie film series, jason biggs has built a career on his relatable, everyman charm. balancing both comedy and drama in projects such as orange is the new black, biggs has proven his talent as an actor. ...
Jason Biggs Age: 46 1,896 votes Instantly recognizable for his role as Jim Levenstein in the American Pie film series, Jason Biggs has built a career on his relatable, everyman charm. Balancing both comedy and drama in projects such as Orange Is the New Black, Biggs has proven his talent...
- Hey orange, turns out there is no food down here. - 嘿,橙子,原來這下面是沒有食物的。 - No beverages either. - 也不喝飲料。 - Well come with me, - 那就跟我來吧 I live in a kitchen where there's tons of food. 我住在一個有大量食物的廚房裡。 - Really, we can come li...